The preload, or the initial tension in a fastener, is a critical factor in determining the fatigue life of wind turbine structural fasteners. In order to ensure the long-term reliability and safety of these fasteners, it's essential to maintain the preload over time.
Fastener preload is important because it helps to prevent joint separation and eventual structural failure in wind turbines.
In the bolt force diagrams below it can be seen that increasing the preload to prevent joint separation significantly reduces the differential force in the bolt ∆FB.

The graph below shows a typical relationship between bolt preload and fatigue life. It can be seen that as preload is allowed to decline fatigue life can dramatically reduce.

Maintaining preload is a crucial aspect of ensuring the long-term reliability and fatigue life of wind turbine structural fasteners.
At EchoBolt we are specialists in assessing joint condition and fastener assembly practices to ensure adequate preload is maintained. With EchoBolt's technologies, wind turbine operators can understand the condition of their critical connections and make informed maintenance choices about structural integrity and life extension.